
七国集团同意立法监管人工智能; 福特胜诉!105亿美元商业秘密赔偿裁决被推翻; 中国电动汽车充电专利在全球遥遥领先

China IP 国际部 CIPToday 2023-06-16

编辑制作:China IP 国际部





1. G7 agreed to adopt risk-based AI regulation


2. China takes commanding lead in EV charging patents


3. Via Licensing combines with MPEG LA to form Via LA

Via Licensing与 MPEG LA合并成立Via LA

4. Ford wins reversal of $105 million trade-secrets verdict


IP Practice

5. VMware hit with $84.5 million verdict in US retrial over software patents


6. Gilead, US square off in billion-dollar HIV drug patent trial


7. Google wins data retrieval patent trial against Arendi


8. Adobe's $20 billion Figma buyout deal under UK competition watchdog scanner


Case Analysis

9. Guangzhou Daming United Rubber Products Co., Ltd. v. Guinness World Records Limited




G7 agreed to adopt risk-based AI regulation


Group of Seven advanced nations should adopt "risk-based" regulation on artificial intelligence, their digital ministers agreed on Sunday. But such regulation should also "preserve an open and enabling environment" for the development of AI technologies and be based on democratic values, G7 ministers said in a joint statement issued at the end of a two-day meeting in Japan. It is reported that while the ministers recognized that policy instruments to achieve the common vision and goal of trustworthy AI may vary across G7 members, the agreement sets a landmark for how major countries govern AI amid privacy concerns and security risks.



China takes commanding lead in EV charging patents


Chinese companies have submitted more patent applications related to electric vehicle charging and battery swapping than rivals from any other country, achieving strides in key technologies to make the experience faster and more convenient, according to the news by NIKKEI Asia. Chinese businesses filed 41,011 patent applications in these areas from 2010 to 2022, Tokyo-based analytics company Patent Result reports. Few Chinese companies ranked high individually. But the sheer number of players in the field meant they together filed roughly 50% more applications than Japanese companies, which came in second with 26,962. Germany followed with 16,340, the U.S. with 14,325, then South Korea with 11,281.

据日经亚洲报道,中国企业提交的与电动汽车充电和电池交换相关的专利申请比其他任何国家都多,并且中国企业在关键技术上取得了重要进步,可以提供更快速,更便捷的体验。报道称,根据总部位于东京的分析公司Patent Result的报告,从2010年到2022年,中国企业在相关领域提交了41011项专利申请。中国企业的单独排名并不高,但提交的专利申请总量比日本企业多出约50%。日本企业以26962项专利申请位居第二。紧随其后的是德国(16340项)、美国(14325项)、韩国(11281项)。


Via Licensing combines with MPEG LA to form Via LA

Via Licensing与 MPEG LA合并成立Via LA

Patent pools Via Licensing and MPEG LA have combined to form Via Licensing Alliance, it was revealed on May 2. The combined company will consolidate dozens of patent pools into one organization. General Electric, Philips and Mitsubishi Electric, which all had partial ownership in MPEG LA, will have a stake in the combined entity. Patrick Patnode, president of licensing at GE Ventures; Jako Eleveld, head of IP licensing at Philips; and Keiko Higuchi, head of patent pools in the corporate licensing division of Mitsubishi Electric, will all join the board of directors. The new company’s worldwide headquarters are in San Francisco, with offices in Denver, London, Shanghai, Tokyo, and Washington, DC. Via LA has operated dozens of licensing programs for a variety of technologies consisting of nearly 50,000 patents in over 130 countries with more than 500 patent holders and nearly 10,000 licensees.

5月2日消息,Via Licensing和MPEG LA合并成立了Via Licensing Alliance(Via LA)。Via LA将数十个专利池合并为一个组织。持有MPEG LA部分所有权的通用电气、飞利浦和三菱电气将持有合并后的Via LA的股份。通用电气公司授权总裁Patrick Patnode、飞利浦知识产权许可负责人Jako Eleveld以及三菱电气企业许可部门专利部负责人 Keiko Higuchi都将加入Via LA的董事会。新公司的全球总部位于旧金山,在丹佛、伦敦、上海、东京和华盛顿特区设有办事处。据悉,Via LA已经为各种技术实施了数十项授权计划,涵盖130多个国家的近5万项专利,涉及500多位专利持有人和近1万项专利授权。


Ford wins reversal of $105 million trade-secrets verdict


A federal judge in Detroit on Monday threw out a jury verdict ordering Ford Motor Co to pay Versata Software Inc $104.6 million for breaching a 2004 licensing contract and misappropriating trade secrets. U.S. District Judge Matthew Leitman said that while Versata Software, which licensed software to Ford from 1998 to 2015, offered sufficient evidence of a contract breach, it did not offer evidence to let jurors calculate damages accurately. He also said jurors had no basis to determine how long Ford would have needed to develop three trade secrets it allegedly stole, and that this also required voiding the damages award.

周一,美国联邦地区法官Matthew Leitman驳回了陪审团的裁决,该裁决称福特违反了与Versata Software公司2004年签订的许可合同且侵犯了的Versata商业秘密,因此要求福特汽车公司向Versata 支付1.046亿美元。法官Matthew 称,Versata在1998至2015年期间向福特授权软件,虽然Versata提供了足够的违约证据,但没有提供证据让陪审员准确地计算损失。Matthew 还表示,陪审员没有确定福特开发其据称窃取的三项商业机密时间的依据,这也是要求撤销该损害赔偿裁决的理由。



IP Practice


VMware hit with $84.5 million verdict in US retrial over software patents


VMware Inc must pay $84.5 million for infringing two patents belonging to rival software company Densify, a Delaware federal jury said on Monday. The verdict said VMware willfully violated Densify's patent rights with its software for optimizing "virtual machines" used in cloud computing. Canada-based Densify won a verdict worth nearly $237 million against VMware in the same case in 2020. A federal judge threw out that verdict and ordered a new trial later that year. Densify's patent-holding subsidiary owned the patents at issue, and the Judge said the parent company did not have sufficient rights to the patents to be involved in the case at the time.



Gilead, US square off in billion-dollar HIV drug patent trial


The U.S. government’s lawsuit against Gilead Sciences Inc for drug patent infringement is on trial from Tuesday. The dispute involves patents related to an HIV-prevention drug regimen. The U. S. government is trying to enforce four patents issued to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on a dual-drug regimen called pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). The government accused Gilead of making billions of dollars from PrEP sales and not paying royalties to the CDC. It is seeking more than $1 billion from Gilead. The case marks one of the first times the U.S. government has sued a drug maker to enforce its patent rights.



Google wins data retrieval patent trial against Arendi


According to news on Thursday, Google has won a patent lawsuit concerning data retrieval technology in Delaware federal court. The jury found that Google did not violate the patent held by Arendi SARL. In 2013, Arendi sued Google for violating the patent, which relates to retrieving information like names and addresses from a database and entering it into word processors and spreadsheets. Arendi claimed that several Google products, including Gmail, Chrome, Docs, and Messages, infringed the patent. Arendi sought $45.5 million in damages from the court. The jury found Arendi’s patent has not been violated by Google and agreed with Google’s claim that the patent was invalid due to earlier disclosures of the same concept.

本周四消息,谷歌在特拉华州联邦法院赢得了涉及数据检索技术专利的诉讼。陪审团裁定,谷歌并未违反Arendi SARL所持有的专利。2013年,Arendi起诉谷歌侵犯了其专利,该专利涉及从数据库中检索名称和地址等信息,并将其输入文字处理器和电子表格。Arendi指控包括Gmail、Chrome、Docs和Messages在内的一些谷歌产品侵犯了其专利。Arendi要求法院赔偿4550万美元。本周四,陪审团裁定谷歌并未侵犯Arendi的专利,并同意谷歌的主张,即该专利无效,因为已有早先批露的相同概念。


Adobe's $20 billion Figma buyout deal under UK competition watchdog scanner


Britain's competition watchdog said on Wednesday it was looking into Adobe Inc's $20 billion buyout deal for cloud-based designer platform Figma to find if it could lead to "substantial lessening of competition" in the country. CMA said it has set June 30 as the deadline for its phase 1 decision on the Adobe-Figma deal. Adobe in September announced a cash-and-stock deal for Figma, the biggest buyout of a privately owned software startup. The company said in March it was working with the DOJ on clearing the deal and expected it to close by the end of 2023.


Case Analysis


Guangzhou Daming United Rubber Products Co., Ltd. v. Guinness World Records Limited


The unfair competition acts regulated by the principle provisions of Article 2 of the Anti-Unfair Competition Law shall, first of all, not among the unfair competition acts or infringement acts of typical intellectual property rights explicitly enumerated in the law; second, they should be competitive acts leading to harm to the competitive interests of other operators; and finally, the acts shall be in violation of the principle of honesty and creditability and publicly accepted business ethics, and the damages they cause to others shall be unfair.




编译:China IP 国际部







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